
I'm Anusha Shanbhog,

A Web Developer and CyberSecurity Enthusiast

About Me

I am a Final year Computer Science Engineering undergrad at DSCE, Bangalore who is passionate about software development.

Previously completed an apprenticeship as a Junior Developer at Brace Media where I worked on building the frontend of websites, integrating APIs and Analytics. I have also learnt to build the backend of websites to make them functional, scalable and efficient.

I am fascinated by the world of hacking and cybersecurity, particularly cryptography, digital forensics and web application security, and am working on enhancing my skills in this domain.

I have also been a Finalist in the Smart India Hackathon'22 and am among the Top 2% of the players on TryHackMe.

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I've dived into these languages and technologies and built projects using these, and am always willing to learn explore new tech stacks.

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React JS

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Node JS

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Material UI

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Burp Suite

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Mongo DB


These are some of the projects that I have built using different technologies. Check it out!

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Social Media Application

Responsive Social Media Application that allows users to login/signup, allows authenticated users to share posts, like, comment and engage with other users. Has a modern UI and an option of dark mode.

Tech: MongDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS for the backend and ReactJS and Redux toolkit for Frontend.

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AIML based phishing website detection system trained using XGBoost model on lexical, domain and code based features. It has high accuracy, low false positives, uses an optimisation mechanism at the backend and can be used as well a website and browser extension.

Tech: ReactJS, Python, Flask

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Realtime Chat Application

Realtime chat application that allows users to join different rooms based on their interests and chat with each other.

Tech: Frontend built using HTML, CSS and Vanilla Javascript, Backend using NodeJS, ExpressJS and Socket.io.

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Cross-Fit Rest API

RestAPI built to Create, Read, Update and Delete Crossfit Workouts. Implements API best practices, security and caching mechanisms to improve performance. Also includes filtering, sorting & pagination.

Tech: ExpressJS and NodeJS for backend, Swagger for documentation

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URL Shortner

URL shortner built to shorten the length of given URL and track Link Clicks.

Tech: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB

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Smart Food Quality Monitoring System

Smart IOT Based Food Quality Monitoring System to maintain the quality of food and reduce wastage of food in the supply chain.

Tech: IOT, ESP32, ESP32 CAM, MQ135, DHT11 sensors

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Digital Signature Verifier

Tool to ensure the integrity and authenticity of your documents using digital signatures. Uses SHA-256 and RSA algorithm.

Tech: Python, CyberSecurity

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Tool to probe any network based on the IP addresss given. It performs ping sweeps and discovers hosts that are reachable. For all the reachable IP addresses, it displays their MAC addresses and all the open ports on that particular host.

Tech: Python, CyberSecurity

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Tetris game built to rotate blocks strategically to score points and clear different levels.

Tech: ReactJS, CSS

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Malicious URL Detection

Machine Learning model that predicts if the given URL is safe, phishing or malicious with an accuracy of 96.6%.The model is trained on lexical features of the URL using Random Forest Algorithm.

Tech: Python, Machine Learning


Contact Me

Open to collaborating and building new stuff together!